So a couple weekends ago...I had a Crafty Get Together!
I have had a few people ask me recently to get together and
work on crafts projects.
So to (sorta) make it easier, I thought I would have one day...
and everyone over at the same time.
So I did a little blog-land research looking for ideas on how to do this.
There isnt a whole lot out there!
So I kind of winged it...and I think it turned out not too bad.
So here is an explaination of what I did and all that crap. =)
First I decided to pick a couple projects that people could choose to do. I also put a price to each project, because I went and picked up all the supplies, and the price would reimburse me for the supplies.
I also made my version of the projects before I had them as examples in person and that way I wouldn't be busy working on a project and could help people.
So here are my projects:
Project #1: Baby Food Jar Tea Lights $3-4
This is my version.
I got the idea from here and instructions from here:
Project #2: Wooden Sign with Vinyl $6
This is my version.
I didn't get the idea from one place....
I used my Cricut to cut the vinyl saying and stuck it on a painted piece of pre-cut wood from Lowes.
I had about 9 girls here, 10 including me.
I have a big living room/kitchen area, but only so many tables to work on.
I had no idea how it would everything was kind of
trial and error to see what works, and what doesn't.
The one thing that I probably should of done differently....was that I had to cut everyones sayings on my Cricut from vinyl, and it took FOREVER! I didn't really get a chance to help with much else or mingle or whatever....but thats OKAY! was I suppose to realize that. thought for next time I need to do something like that, maybe get everyones sayings ahead and work on cutting at least some of them ahead of time.
The only some people didn't know what they wanted to write on them right away and they needed to look at my cartridges and get an idea of what font they wanted and anything else. So....maybe I couldnt of avoided it. Owell.
AND because its winter....we had a crazy storm that day, so some people had to hurry and leave early, so some people finished the projects at home.
I think all in all....everyone still enjoyed it!
Let me tell you, I sure was tired by the end of the night!
Here is some Food!
Couple recipes I used:
Fruit Dip (a pack of cream cheese mixed with a small jar of Marshmallow Fluff, mmmmm)
Here are some photos....I didn't get photos of everything...SORRY!
My niece actually went around taking photos for me.
And I also tried not to post photos with the girls in them....just so no one would come after me! haha...
Painted Wood drying.....
Here are someones Tea Lights! I like the Rhinestone!
Some more tea lights! I love the colors and the rosettes!
The little Black & Decker Laser Picture Hanger Thingy....was really handy!
Paints, buttons and scissors....OH MY!
Only SOME of the signs that were made:
Good Food
Good Friends
Good Times

I'm not spoiled
people are just really accommodating
Don't tell me the sky is the limit,
when there are footprints on the moon...
You're such a good hunter....
you caught me didn't you?...
Hot Ham
(Play on the last name Hotham)
(My 12 year old nephew was over near the end, and he wanted to make one, and he came up with his own website is NOT real, just for fun)
Sue's Place
(she likes turtles, which that one I hand cut, at the time I didn't have one on a cartridge)
Stephen's Room
Little Party Favors
Flower Pins
Chapstick Keychain Holder
(Which I learned how to make here)
So what do you think?!
Will anyone plan something like this??
I will def. do it AGAIN!
Parties I am linking to:

How did you make connected cursive letters on your cricut?
Hi Deb!
I have a Gypsy...which is like the Cricut Design Studio, except I you can move things around on it and connect letters. Also, when you put it on the wood, you can just overlap them closely to make them appear connected like the Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times one.
LOVE the hunter sign!! Very cute party you had!
Thank you!!!
This is a fabulous idea for a crop.
I luv lemon will try this :)
would luv for you to add it to our linking party this week.
Dear Fallan, I could'nt see my previous message on display so I am leaving the link again, Congratulations. I visit your blog often and completely love your creations. Here is something special for you.
Kindly follow this link :
Much Love
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