Today was a rainy, gloomy day and I was in the mood to work on some
boots & shoes
that I got inspiration for online.

I found a tutorial for Wellie Warmers from Sabbe Interior Design's Blog. I tweaked my version up a bit. My boots are already snug to begin with, so I didn't want to use anything too thick. I ended up using some fabric I had that is kind of like fleece, but only on one side. Does that make sense? So its thinner. I also decided not to add different fabric on top. I just made them a little longer to fold over, and I skipped the elastic. I put a contrasting zigzag stitch and sewed on some buttons to add a little more...cuteness! I think they turned out cute!!
Check out some photos I had of my boots in use....before I added the warmers. This was taken last summer.

These are a pair of sneakers that my niece, Kayla & I worked on. She has an identical pair, except her's has her name/initials. We just bought these from Pay Less Shoe store and doodled on them with fabric markers. We also glued on some rhinestones. These were FuN to make!

Here is my niece modeling her pair!

Then I worked on these this afternoon.
I call them my Shabby Chic Booties.
I got this neat idea over at Emme. She had a nice tutorial.
I used a pair of ankle boots that I had, and cut them down a bit. Then I made some ruffles. I used some strips of black fabric in varying widths. The fabric was matte on one side and shiner on the other, so I did one ruffle with one side, and the other.....with the other side.
Let me tell fingers are still sore from all the hot glue!! I may have burned myself a few times....opps!
It needed a little extra somethin'-somethin'....hmmm....
I have been dying to try to make something (specifically rosettes) with zippers. I've tried a couple just hasn't wanted to work for me. It's hArD!!
So....I tried again (where most of the glue gun burns came from)...and it sorta worked. I added a button in the center. Also...the teeth on my zippers are black..and I wanted them to show more, so I had some rub-on paint stuff...and I put a lil' silver on my finger and rubbed on the teeth. Then I rubbed a little gold on top of the silver to make it look a little more antiquish.
Voila! Not too shabby....well, sorta...because they are 'Shabby Chic'...hehehe.
To tell you the truth....I don't even know what to wear them with!! I'll figure something out. When I do....I'll get a few photos. If anyone has any suggestions....let me know!
{I took a few photos outside my window today of some birds & the sky...I'll post later!}
Love the collages! Perfect for the season :)
Thank you!! =)
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