Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I have been working on a few projects and busy at work. But I have still been making things. Just need to catch up on posting them!! I also am working on rearranging my Craft room. What a JOB!
I have also been working on a few crafts for my mom! I had to keep in mind that she is living in a tiny apartment, so she doesn't have room for much, PLUS....she has eVeryTHinG anyway! Shes the mom that always says: "I don't need your money!"...blah blah blah. I am STILL doing something for her, I always do =)
So today I gave her these things (yes, I know early--but I probably won't see her on Mothers Day), along with a few things and I took her out for lunch, just the two of us and then we went shopping! FUN!

I had bought a few GIANT clothespins from the dollarstore, and have been wanted to make these photo holders for a while now. I finally made one. When I started it....I had the letters for MOM in individual squares....and I had it upside-down! Oops! So....I covered it with the purple paper...and kept on going. Turned out cute.

My Mom LOVES I came across this idea at Tina's Place.....and found the instructions here. She LOVED it (of course!), and she said she couldn't wait to wear it to work. It was very quick to make.

I also made her a Rice Pack. My husband and myself each have one, that I made a couple years ago. I use mine all the time. I was trying to think of things she could use.....and so....I thought, why not a rice pack?! It's nothing fancy-smancy or anything. Just a simple rectangle sewn....and I poured non-instant rice and sewed it shut in sections, so that the rice didn't go all to one end. It's not that easy sewing a line and trying to not let the rice get under the sewing foot. Then you pop it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes....and VOILA.....soothing heat!
So what are YoU guys doing for mothers day?? I think handmade gifts are the best. My mom even told the cashier at Wal-Mart today about her gifts...and how she preferred handmade items over anything else....(awwww, thanks mom!)
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