Spring has Sprung!
Well,....sorta. At least it pretty much stopped snowing for us. Now its just rain....at least it will melt all the snow and make everything green! We have grass but nothing is really green yet.
I am SOOO ready for nice weather!
What about you?!
Here are a couple projects I recently made.
I can't take credit for these ideas....I found them out in blogland.
First thing:
I made this springy colored table runner.
I got the idea from here:
The idea is to make a shortcut to a patchwork table runner.
It involved gluing your squares down with regular white glue (like elmers)...then sewing over it and throwing it in the wash. It gives you a really ragged runner. I washed mine once and its frayed up some. The more I wash it, the more frayed it will get.
The other project I did are these cute FLOWERS!
Got the idea from Homemade Ginger.
Cute huh?
Its styrofoam balls with Q-tips sticking out of it.
The only thing I did differently is use watered down paint instead of food coloring to color the Q-tips. These were pretty simple to whip up.
Its styrofoam balls with Q-tips sticking out of it.
The only thing I did differently is use watered down paint instead of food coloring to color the Q-tips. These were pretty simple to whip up.
I think both projects go well together. Very SPRINGY!
I am ready for color.
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